I agree, it is a bug.  It was fixed in CE 2.10.01, released over a year ago, 
but unfortunately the DVSDKs are significantly trailing the latest Codec Engine 
releases.  :(

I've added details about this bug here in the CE 2.00 section:


From: davinci-linux-open-source-boun...@linux.davincidsp.com 
[mailto:davinci-linux-open-source-boun...@linux.davincidsp.com] On Behalf Of 
Sandeep YEDIRE
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:37 AM
To: JayaKumar, PremKumar; davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
Cc: bmi...@acmet.com; Sandeep Yedire
Subject: Re: Using buildinstructions "fatal error #5: could not open source 
file "ti/xdais/dm/ividdec.h"

Thanks. seems working. This seems buggy as I dont have cetools folder. so it 
shud take it as zero.
Many Thanks,

From: "JayaKumar, PremKumar" <premkuma...@ti.com>
To: Sandeep YEDIRE <sandee...@yahoo.co.in>; 
Cc: "bmi...@acmet.com" <bmi...@acmet.com>; Sandeep Yedire <sande...@acmet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June, 2009 3:42:42 PM
Subject: RE: Using buildinstructions "fatal error #5: could not open source 
file "ti/xdais/dm/ividdec.h"

>From the error message you can see that the xdais path is tried to be picked 
>from the cetools. Try setting USE_CETOOLS_IF_EXISTS = 0 in the xdcpaths.mak so 
>that the path which you want to be set as xdais path in the XDCPATH will take 


From: davinci-linux-open-source-boun...@linux.davincidsp.com 
[mailto:davinci-linux-open-source-boun...@linux.davincidsp.com] On Behalf Of 
Sandeep YEDIRE
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:17 PM
To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
Cc: bmi...@acmet.com; Sandeep Yedire
Subject: Using buildinstructions "fatal error #5: could not open source file 

Hello there,
i have been working on DM6446 for about a week now but not able to set-up 
properly. I followed instructions given in sprue66d.pdf for installation on my  
RHEL -4 pc.
I did this twice as I got strange error message when working with  one of 
examples. Which I already posted with subject :"xdc.loadPackage: can't find 
package 'ti.sdo.ce' when building viddec_copy examples" date:22/06/09.

I could not find casue for this error and try to set-up everything again.
When I finished with setting up everything,
With refering to build instruction in codec_engine/examples/, I mdofied changes 
in xdcpath.mak and user.bld file accordingly.
I have copied both the files below.
When I did gmake in dir 
I get this error message which is given below.

I found these header files, in dir 
But these are not included when I build them. I also set my env variable for 
XDCPATH accordingly. Please find my XDCPATH below with heading.

It looks like, I have not included the correct XDCPATH which actually is the 
problem for my earlier failure.
Please look for below files for any help in this issue. I can copy the contents 
of /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_00_01/packages/ti/  to 
~/work/examples/ti/ for this error. But When I have given path in xdcpath.mak 
file, and the makefile in viddec_copy folder will refer to this xdcpath.mak for 
its packages.

 Please look for below files for any help/advice in this issue  I am having.
Error message:
[sand...@evmdm6446 viddec_copy]$ gmake
        XDCOPTIONS=v all -PD .
making all: Wed Jun 24 14:31:14 IST 2009 ...
======== .interfaces 
[/home/sandeep/work/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples/codecs/viddec_copy] ========
gmake[1]: `.interfaces' is up to date.
.interfaces files complete: Wed Jun 24 14:31:14 IST 2009.
======== .libraries 
[/home/sandeep/work/examples/ti/sdo/ce/examples/codecs/viddec_copy] ========
rm -f package/lib/lib/viddec_copy/viddec_copy.o64P
# cl64P viddec_copy.c ...
/home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cg6x_6_0_15/bin/cl6x -c  -oe -qq -pdsw225 -pden 
-pds=195  -mv64p -eo.o64P -ea.s64P  -Dxdc_target_name__=C64P 
-Dxdc_target_types__=ti/targets/std.h -Dxdc_bld__profile_release 
-Dxdc_bld__vers_1_0_6_0_15 -o2  -I.. 
-I/home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdc_3_00_02/packages -I../../../../../.. 
-fs=./package/lib/lib/viddec_copy -fr=./package/lib/lib/viddec_copy -fc 
"viddec_copy.c", line 20: fatal error #5: could not open source file 
1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "viddec_copy.c".
Compilation terminated.

>> Compilation failure
gmake[1]: *** [package/lib/lib/viddec_copy/viddec_copy.o64P] Error 1
gmake: *** 
Error 2
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
[sand...@evmdm6446 viddec_copy]$
<>printenv XDCPATH

 *  ======== user.bld ========

// This table list the targets for which to build libraries and programs, and 
// each target it lists where the compiler tools are and for what platforms
// the programs should be built. For all build variants where you specify
// that "doBuild" is "true", you must specify the compiler tools, and it is
// desirable to comment out unwanted platforms.
// Example: if you are only interested in building Arm-side examples for
// evmDM6446 running Montavista Arm Linux, set doBuild: false everywhere
// except for the first Arm "doBuild"; then, specify your Montavista Arm
// tools directory, and comment out all platforms for that build except
// for '{ platform: "evmDM6446" }'.

var buildTable = {
    "Arm":    [{doBuild: true, // standard build for Montavista Linux
                target:  "gnu.targets.MVArm9",

                // MVArm tools. NOTE: make sure the directory you specify has a 
"bin" subdirectory

                platforms: [ // NOTE: comment out platforms (boards) below for 
which you don't want to build
                    { description: "DaVinci evmDM6446 board, ARM-side", 
platform: "evmDM6446", dualCpu: true },
                   // { description: "DaVinci evmDM355  board, ARM only", 
platform: "evmDM6446", dualCpu: false, outDir: "evmDM355" },

              { doBuild: false, // build for uC Linux
                target:  "gnu.targets.UCArm9",
                // UCLibc tools. NOTE: make sure the directory you specify has 
a "bin" subdirectory
                platforms: [
                    { description: "DaVinci evmDM6446 board, ARM-side", 
platform: "evmDM6446", dualCpu: true },
                    { description: "DaVinci evmDM355  board, ARM only", 
platform: "evmDM6446", dualCpu: false, outDir: "evmDM355" },

    "DSP":    [{doBuild: true, // DSP builds (DSP servers for dual-CPU 
platforms or full apps for DSP-only platforms)
                target:  "ti.targets.C64P",

                // specify the "root directory" for the compiler tools. NOTE: 
make sure the directory you specify has a "bin" subdirectory
                cgtoolsRootDir: "/home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cg6x_6_0_15",

                platforms: [ // NOTE: comment out platforms (boards) below for 
which you don't want to build
                    { description: "DaVinci evmDM6446 board, DSP-side Server", 
platform: "evmDM6446" },
                   // { description: "DaVinci evmDM6437 board, DSP only", 
platform: "evmDM6437" },
                 // { description: "DaVinci evmDM648  board, DSP only", 
platform: "evmDM648"  },

    "PC":     [{doBuild: false,  // build for PC Linux
                target:  "gnu.targets.Linux86",
                platforms: [ { platform: null, outDir: "PC" } ],

// expert users: you can specify any compiler toolchain-specific options
// here, for example,
// C64P.ccOpts.prefix = "-pdr"; // enable remarks for the TI C64P compiler
// UCArm9.lnkOpts.suffix = "-static"; // static linking
// etc.

// no need to edit anything below this line
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

var targets = [];
var userbldBuildPlatforms = {};

for (var c in buildTable) {
    var cpu = buildTable[ c ];
    for (var t = 0; t < cpu.length; t++) {
        if (cpu[t].doBuild) {
            var targ = xdc.useModule( cpu[t].target );
            targets[ targets.length ] = targ;
            targ.rootDir = cpu[t].cgtoolsRootDir;
            var targName = cpu[t].target.replace( /.*\./g, "" );
            userbldBuildPlatforms[ targName ] = cpu[t].platforms;

Build.targets = targets;

#  ======== xdcpaths.mak ========
#  definition of XDC paths and commands
#  This makefile constructs the "search path" for the XDC tools where it finds
#  numerous components and packages needed to build Codec Engine examples and
#  programs.
#  1) you must specify various <component>_INSTALL_DIRs directores below to
#     reflect your installation, where <component> is CE for Codec Engine,
#     BIOS for DSP/BIOS, etc.
#  2) you can remove some of the devices from the "DEVICES" list and/or remove
#     some of the types of binaries from the "PROGRAMS" list to reduce
#     the build time (and possibly avoid checking for presence of a component
#     you don't need)

# (Optional) Remove from this list the devices you're not interested in building
DEVICES  := DM6446

# (Optional) Remove from the list the types of programs you're not intersted in
# building:
# APP_CLIENT -- Arm client for codecs running on the DSP, on dual-CPU systems
# DSP_SERVER -- DSP server with the codecs, running on the DSP, on dual-CPUs
# APP_LOCAL  -- Client+codecs in a single program, whether Arm only or DSP only

# (Mandatory) Specify where various components are installed.
# What you need depends on what device(s) you're building for, what type(s) of
# programs you are building for, and whether your Codec Engine distribution
# is a "big" one that contains all the minor components in its "cetools"
# directory. The legend:
# CE      - Codec Engine (needed for Arm and for DSP)
# XDC     - XDC tools (Arm and DSP)
# BIOS    - DSP/BIOS (DSP only)
# XDAIS   - XDAIS header files (Arm and DSP)
# FC      - Framework components, various resource managers (ARM and DSP)
# CMEM    - Continuous memory manager (Arm only)
# DSPLINK - Arm<->DSP communication software (Arm + DSP)
# you can ommit directory specifications for the components you think you don't
# need (will be warned if you do, based on your DEVICES + PROGRAMS selection
# above).
CE_INSTALL_DIR           := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_00_01
XDC_INSTALL_DIR       := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdc_3_00_02
BIOS_INSTALL_DIR      := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/bios_5_31_08
# no need to specify the installation directories below if your CE installation
# has cetools/ directory on top
XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR     := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_00_01
DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR   := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dsplink-140-05p1
CMEM_INSTALL_DIR      := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_00_01
FC_INSTALL_DIR        := 
BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR := /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/biosutils_1_00_02
# (Mandatory) specify correct compiler paths and names for the architectures
# you'll be building for:
# compiler path and name for Montavista Arm 9 toolchain. NOTE: make sure the
# directory you specify has a "bin" subdirectory
CGTOOLS_MVARM9 = /opt/mv_pro_4.0.1/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le
CC_MVARM9      = bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc

# compiler path and name for TI C64x toolchain. NOTE: make sure the
# directory you specify has a "bin" subdirectory
CGTOOLS_C64X = /home/sandeep/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cg6x_6_0_15
CC_C64X      = bin/cl6x

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# determine which components are necessary based on DEVICES and PROGRAMS
REQUIRE_CE    := 1
REQUIRE_FC    := 1

ifneq (,$(findstring DM6446,$(DEVICES)))
    ifneq (, $(findstring APP_CLIENT, $(PROGRAMS) ))
        REQUIRE_LINK := 1
        REQUIRE_CMEM := 1
    ifneq (, $(findstring DSP_SERVER, $(PROGRAMS) ))
        REQUIRE_LINK := 1
        REQUIRE_BIOS := 1

ifneq (,$(findstring DM355,$(DEVICES)))
    ifneq (, $(findstring APP_LOCAL, $(PROGRAMS) ))
        REQUIRE_CMEM := 1

ifneq (,$(findstring DM6437,$(DEVICES)))
    ifneq (, $(findstring APP_LOCAL, $(PROGRAMS) ))
        REQUIRE_BIOS := 1

ifneq (,$(findstring DM648,$(DEVICES)))
    ifneq (, $(findstring APP_LOCAL, $(PROGRAMS) ))
        REQUIRE_BIOS := 1

# Build the XDC path from the necessary components, verifying along the way
# that the required compoments are present

ERRMSG = which is invalid (could not find file "$(TEST_FILE)"). Set this in 
<codec engine examples>/xdcpaths.mak! See the build documentation to correct 
this error.

# CE_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your Codec Engine.
ifeq ($(REQUIRE_CE), 1)
    TEST_FILE := $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/sdo/ce/package.xdc
    ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
        $(error CE_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(CE_INSTALL_DIR)", $(ERRMSG))
    XDC_PATH := $(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

# if the CE distribution has "cetools/", we have components in the "else" 
branch available inside "cetools"
    XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(CE_INSTALL_DIR)/cetools/packages
    # XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your XDAIS distribution
    ifeq ($(REQUIRE_XDAIS), 1)
        TEST_FILE := $(XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/xdais/package.xdc
        ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
            $(error XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR)", 
        XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(XDAIS_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

    # DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your DSPLINK distribution
    ifeq ($(REQUIRE_LINK), 1)
        TEST_FILE := $(DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/dsplink/gpp/package.xdc
        ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
            $(error DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR)", 
        XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(DSPLINK_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

    # CMEM_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your CMEM distribution
    ifeq ($(REQUIRE_CMEM), 1)
        TEST_FILE := 
        ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
            $(error CMEM_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(CMEM_INSTALL_DIR)", $(ERRMSG))
        XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(CMEM_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

    # FC_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your Frameworks Components distribution
    ifeq ($(REQUIRE_FC), 1)
        TEST_FILE := $(FC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/sdo/fc/dskt2/package.xdc
        ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
            $(error FC_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)", $(ERRMSG))
        XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(FC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

    # BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your BIOSUTILS distribution
    ifeq ($(REQUIRE_BIOS), 1)
        TEST_FILE := $(BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/bios/utils/package.xdc
        ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
            $(error BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(BIOSUTILS_INSTALL_DIR)", 


# BIOS_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your BIOS distribution
ifeq ($(REQUIRE_BIOS), 1)
    TEST_FILE := $(BIOS_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/ti/bios/package.xdc
    ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
        $(error BIOS_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(BIOS_INSTALL_DIR)", $(ERRMSG))
    XDC_PATH := $(XDC_PATH);$(BIOS_INSTALL_DIR)/packages

# XDC_INSTALL_DIR is the location of your XDCTOOLS installation.
ifeq ($(REQUIRE_XDC), 1)
    TEST_FILE := $(XDC_INSTALL_DIR)/packages/xdc/package.xdc
    ifeq ($(wildcard $(TEST_FILE)),)
        $(error XDC_INSTALL_DIR is set to "$(XDC_INSTALL_DIR)", $(ERRMSG))

# XDC_PATH is complete. Any other components you could add as
# XDC_PATH := <your component>/packages;$(XDC_PATH)

Many Thanks,

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