The subject maintenance releases of DBIx::Chart and DBD::Chart
are now (or soon should be) available on CPAN. These releases
fix a problem with some DBD's/DBMS's that don't support multiple
concurrent execute()'d, but un-fetch()'d, statement handles on a single
connection (the specific instance was DBD::ODBC + MS SqlServer 2000,
but undoubtedly others exist). The issue causes failure of composite
chart queries containing subquery charts, as a result of a failure
report by the underlying DBD or DBMS.

The fix causes each DBMS statement to be fully executed and
fetched into its chart subquery before the next chart subquery
is executed.

One add'l small fix was applied to DBD::Chart to silence an
occasional "uninitialized value" warning.

Dean Arnold
Presicient Corp.

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