I've just released DBD::Sybase 1.08 to CPAN. This a bug fix and
performance enhancement release.

I'd like to thank Tim Bunce for his help with this release.

From the CHANGES file:

Release 1.08

        Detect missing libblk.a library, and disable the BLK api calls
        if necessary.
        Added code to force dlopen() to use RTLD_GLOBAL.
        Corrected ct_option() functionality detection.
        Fixed incorrect handling of bind_params() (Thanks to Tim Bunce).
        Added serverType DSN parameter.
        Added tds_keepalive DSN parameter.
        Fixed incorrect handling of multiple result sets with DBI
        1.53 and later.
        Re-wrote $dbh->ping() in C, it's now four times faster.
        Allow automated build without prompts.
        Improved nsql().
        Added corrected handling of DATE and TIME values (ASE 12.5.2 and later).
        Added handling of UNSIGNED INT and BIGINT (ASE 15 and later).
        Added PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT #define.

        Bug Fixes
        624 - Empty strings incorrectly passed as NULL.
        616 - Spurious error message when the login request times out.
        614 - Documentation improvement for syb_xxx methods.
        610 - Segfault when using signals with the threaded libraries and
              perl >= 5.8.

As always, bug fixes, comments, etc. are welcome!

Michael Peppler           -                 Peppler Consulting SaRL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      -                  http://www.peppler.org
Sybase DBA/Developer      -   TeamSybase: http://www.teamsybase.com
Sybase on Linux FAQ       -   http://www.peppler.org/FAQ/linux.html

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