DBIx::Log4perl is a Perl extension for DBI to selectively log SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions etc to a Log::Log4perl handle.

I have released version 0.11 to CPAN and it should appear soon.

This version includes the following changes:

DBIx::Log4perl did not support the use of statement handles returned as output bound parameters in DBD::Oracle because it had not seen them created and hence had not injected the log handle into them.

DBIx::Log4perl was changed to only retrieve Oracle dbms_output if the logging handle has debug enabled but unfortunately it was continuing to enable dbms_output regardless of logging mode. As a result, once dbms_output was enabled, the Oracle dbms_output buffer starts filling and once full your procedures die.

DBIx::Log4perl no longer sets $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth to 2 in the BEGIN because the depth depends on the method you are in. Instead Log::Log4perl::caller_depth is set in each method.

Database methods and statement methods are now logged with one or more numbers (in brackets) indicating which connection or statement handle is being used. e.g.,

  DEBUG - connect(0): DBI:CSV:
  DEBUG - connect(1): DBI:CSV:
  DEBUG - connect(2): DBI:CSV:
  DEBUG - do(0): 'drop table fred'
  DEBUG - prepare(0.3): 'insert into fred (id, name) values(?,?)'
  DEBUG - $execute_array(0.3) = [undef,1,'one'];
  DEBUG - $bind_param_array(0.3) = [1,1];
  DEBUG - $bind_param_array(0.3) = [2,'one'];
  DEBUG - finish(0.3)

which shows 3 connections numbered 0, 1 and 2 and the prepare etc methods are all called in connection 0 using statement 3 i.e., where there is one number it is a connection and where there are two e.g., (0.3), the first is the connection and the second the statement.

A modest speed up when using DBIx::Log4perl and some categories of logging are disabled.

Connect method could use uninitialised dsn/user if they are not set in the connect call e.g. DBI:CSV:

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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