IBM DB2 Database Driver for Perl DBI Version 1.74 has been uploaded on 
CPAN. Testers are please welcome to test the new features and report the 

DBI is an open standard application programming interface (API) that 
provides database access for client applications written in Perl. DBI 
defines a set of functions, variables, and conventions that provide a 
platform-independent database interface.
The DBD::DB2 driver works with DBI and a DB2 client to access databases.

**New In Release

- DBD-DB2 differed on include paths for Perl 5.8.7 and 5.10. - Cpan - 
- Memory Corruption in dbd_preparse in handling more than 10 params - Cpan 
- 28655
- Inclusion of Test Suite

Download Link

Installation Instructions

Support Email Addresses

* This release is supported by Open Source Application Development Team
* You may also report your bugs via the CPAN resolution tracking system: by searching for module DBD-DB2
* Such bug reports can be sent by email to;
  they also get sent to, etc.

Download DB2 Express-C for free, go to:

Getting started with DB2 Express-C:

Thanks and Regards
Tarun Pasrija
Open Source Application Development
IBM India Software Labs

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