
I am pleased to announce the release of DBD::mysql 4.022.

This release contains several fixes from the community, as outlined in the 
change log:

* Fixes for Win32 from Rom Hoelz ( 
* Pulling back in work for 4.021 that didn't get pushed and much other work 
from Chip Salzenberg (
* Column info order fix from Tokuhiro Matsuno (
* Fix AutoCommit comparison logic to avoid spurious commands to mysql from 
Matthew Horsfall (
* server_preapre can't bind placeholder on comment. from Misahiro Chiba 
* server_prepare; data is null, allocate big memory bug. from Misahiro Chiba 

Also thank you to Kris Davey for point out to me this link for installing 
DBD::mysql on OS X:

I have updated the README file to point people in this direction.

Thank you to everyone for using this and especially those who submitted pull 
requests on github!

The CPAN link is:

And Github, for latest code and pull requests:



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