On Wed, 31 Dec 1969, Terrence Brannon wrote:

> Call me paranoid. I have never ever had a database connection die
> after I got it.
> However, I feel funny writing a book on coding Industry-Strength
> DBI (co-authors welcome)
> without being able to say "...and via this attribute or hook, all
> of your calls to your database application handle will
> automatically do a $dbh->ping for you"

I tend to ping on "connect", but obviously only when I've got persistent
connections, and "connect" is just a no-op.

> When will DBIx::AnyDBD take an initialized $dbh instead of a set
> of connection parameters? Should I fill out a request at
> rt.cpan.org?

Yes please.

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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