On Aug 4, 2004, at 11:15 AM, John Siracusa wrote:

There are better ways to implement encapsulation and extensibility
than tied hashes. They're called "objects" and "methods" :) If ties were
sufficient and "just as good", then Perl 5 (and 6) would have no need for
proper objects and methods.


DBI's existing interfaces makes it much more difficult and fidgety to
subclass things easily, or even aggregate the component parts.
There's a lot of "magic" lurking behing all those innocent looking
$sth and $dbh variables.  It's not a particularly friendly or
extensible interface, and there's definitely a big mismatch with the
direction of Perl 6 style interfaces.  Even if it has to wait for DBI
3 or 4, the days of "magical" assignments to $h->{'JavaYukFoo'} are

There is one critical point that nobody addressed, and I think the only person to address it properly is Tim himself. If and until he does it, all this is pure discussion about eye-candy. It would take someone a bored afternoon to wrap all the DBI interface into a "post-wild-west" logical (to the wrapper-writer), clean (to the wrapper-writer), "modern" module.

The critical point is of course Speed. With a capital S.
I have no idea what compromises Tim made to get both extreme speeds and a well-working interface. Maybe nothing was done and the interface is a relic of the old days. Maybe a lot was done that was necessary, like the tied hashes and magic in the SVs. All I can say is that I have used DBI and its performance is stellar, and I have looked at the DBI code and its complexity is astounding. No good coder would want to create complexity for its own sake, while aiming (and achieving) performance.

Therefore, I am inclined to believe that some of the non-conformance to current "standards" in DBI must be due to the need for speed.

Create whatever wrappers you want, make accessor functions, subclass DBI so that a subclass of your subclass is done in a "standard" way if you wish. It's not hard to do, and it's not hard to maintain. Just remember that the more abstraction you create, the slower you are.

I myself will happily stay with what we have, thank you very much.


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