Compiling DBD::Oracle with Borland C++ 5.5, I have a bunch of warnings:

  Warning W8065 ...: Call to function 'OCI...' with no prototype in function

because oci.h includes the K&R headers:

  #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
  #include <ociapr.h>
  #include <ociap.h>
  #include <ocikpr.h>
  #include <ocikp.h>

That means, neither __STDC__ nor __cplusplus is defined.
These are predefined macros:

  __STDC__   = 1 Defined if you compile with the -A compiler option;
                 otherwise, it is undefined.
  _cplusplus = 1 Defined if in C++ mode; otherwise, undefined.

and depend on these command-line switches:

  Language compliance options:

    -A  ANSI
    -A- Borland extensions

  General compiler output options:

    -P  The -P command-line option causes the compiler to compile all
        source files as C++ files, regardless of their extension.
        Use -P- to compile all .CPP files as C++ source files and all
        other files as C source files.

Now, I have the following options:

1. ignore the warnings :-(

2. suppress the warnings (-w-8065)

3. Force __STDC__=1

  a) command-line switch -A:

       win*.h don't compile (non-standard keywords)

  b) #define __STDC__ 1:

       even in this case some files don't compile

  c) #define/#undef around #include oci.h:

       works, but quite hackerish

4. Force C++ compile (-P):

     Warnings: Style of function definition is now obsolete
     Errors  : Error E2034 ...: Cannot convert '...' to '...' in function

If I go the C++ route, I'd need to add some casts to avoid the errors and
convert K&R style functions to ANSI.
Would you accept these patches? As an example, the attached patch adds
the casts to dbdimp.c.

--- dbdimp.orig Fri Aug 06 17:54:00 2004
+++ dbdimp.c    Mon Sep 20 22:18:54 2004
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@
            phs->desc_t = OCI_HTYPE_STMT;
            OCIHandleAlloc_ok(imp_sth->envhp, &phs->desc_h, phs->desc_t, status);
-       phs->progv = (void*)&phs->desc_h;
+       phs->progv = (char*)&phs->desc_h;
        phs->maxlen = 0;
        OCIBindByName_log_stat(imp_sth->stmhp, &phs->bndhp, imp_sth->errhp,
                (text*)phs->name, (sb4)strlen(phs->name),
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@
        imp_sth_csr->svchp = imp_sth->svchp;
        /* assign statement handle from placeholder descriptor  */
-       imp_sth_csr->stmhp = phs->desc_h;
+       imp_sth_csr->stmhp = (OCIStmt*)phs->desc_h;
        phs->desc_h = NULL;               /* tell phs that we own it now        */
        /* force stmt_type since OCIAttrGet(OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE) doesn't work! */

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