Howdy dbi-devers,

More and more lately, I'm writing database functions in PL/pgSQL (in PostgreSQL) or SQL (in MySQL and others) to do the heavy lifting of interacting with database tables. I've been thinking that I'd really love a DBI method to call these functions without having to do the usual prepare / execute / fetch drill. Even using do() or fetchrow_array() seems a bit silly in this context:

    my ($source_id) = $dbh->fetchrow_array(
        'SELECT get_source_id(?)',

What I'd love is a couple of DBI methods to do this for me. I recognize that this is currently not defined by the DBI, but I'm wondering whether it might be time. I've no idea whether JDBC implements such an interface, but I was thinking of something like this for function calls:

    sub call {
        my $dbh = shift;
        my $func = shift;
        my $places = join ', ', ('?') x @_;
        return $dbh->fetchrow_array(
            "SELECT $func( $places )",

This would allow me to call a function like so:

  my $val = $dbh->call('get_source_id', $source );

Which is a much nicer syntax. Drivers might have to modify it, of course; for MySQL, it should use CALL rather than SELECT.

For functions or procedures that happen to return sets or a cursor, perhaps we could have a separate method that just returns a statement handle that's ready to be fetched from?

    sub cursor {
        my $dbh = shift;
        my $func = shift;
        my $places = join ', ', ('?') x @_;
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT $func( $places )" );
        return $sth;

Just some ideas. I'm sure that there are more complications than this, but even if we could just have something that handles simple functions (think last_insert_id() -- eliminate this special case!), I think it'd go a long way toward not only simplifying the use of database functions in the DBI, but also toward encouraging DBI users to actually make more use of database functions.




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