On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:


So, out of my un-paid projects, my promise to take over release management of DBD::SQLite (from the still incommunicado previous owner) has now come to the front of my queue (now that Set::Relation 0.9.0 is out), so I'm now starting to think about it in detail and get to work over the next week or two.

In that vein, the first and only major design change I intend to make right from the start is to stop bundling the SQLite library with the DBI driver and so the driver will have that library as an external dependency.

--1. Prefer a system-installed lib, but use the bundled lib if one cannot be found on the system. Don't make this harder for people to use.

While one of the selling points of DBD::SQLite versus other DBI drivers in the past was that it came with everything you need, with the advent of a single file "amalgamation" library being provided standard from sqlite.org, as well as the increasing availability of the SQLite library as its own shared system library install, I figure it isn't too difficult now for users to either obtain the library separately or use the one that came with their system, or the DBD::SQLite installer could automatically download it similar to how some other projects download their dependencies (Rakudo Perl 6 can download Parrot for example); so I don't think the ease of use of DBD::SQLite is diminished significantly by it no longer bundling the SQLite library.

Don't download it; a lot of times modules are installed where there is no access to the Net. And those libraries that download external dependencies never work very well (see Math::Pari).

On the other side, there is a lot of benefit gained from not bundling. For one thing the size of the distribution as well as the source control is cut down significantly, since the DBI driver alone is orders of magnitude smaller. For another thing, occasional needs to update for compatibility aside, DBD::SQLite will always be up to date with the newest SQLite library; users just update the library and possibly recompile the DBD::SQLite they already have. And so DBD::SQLite won't need to be updated as often; it would just need updates to address incompatible changes to the SQLite library, or to fix bugs in or update features specific to DBD::SQLite itself.

These are benefits to the developer of the module, not to the end user. I don't find them compelling.

Another quasi-change is that DBD::SQLite will be designed to work specifically with the amalgamation version of the source files only, not the pre-amalgamated versions; I say quasi-change since Audrey Tang already did the work to convert DBD::SQLite to work this way, in the separate ::Amalgamation distro.

Don't know anything about this.

Compatibility-wise, my DBD::SQLite will endeavour to work with all versions of SQLite 3.y.z, though note that only 3.4.0 for which the amalgamation file was a distinct download on sqlite.org (and 3.3.14 or so was the first that amalgamation was a make target). Or more specifically, I only plan to test with the latest SQLite source library available at the time (3.6.11 currently), as well as probably whatever version comes with Mac OS X Leopard. Supporting older versions will happen as I get advocates or testers for them. I also won't explicitly drop support for any Perl or DBI versions that the current DBD::SQLite supports, but I only intend to test it with the latest DBI and Perl 5.8.x+.

If you don't test it with other versions, how can you be sure that they're supported? I deal with this with pgTAP, BTW; I have to keep 5 separate PostgreSQL installations around to make sure it works with all of them. You could probably script it to test that it works with n versions of SQLite. That would obviously be an improvement over the current maintenance.

A minor change is I will start out with using 3-part versions and have a dependency on version.pm 0.74, which is bundled with Perl 5.10.x and an easy install otherwise.

Why? I see no benefit to this, and just imposes yet another inconvenience on users.

Now a specific question for you:

First assume the new DBD::SQLite can look in at least 3 places for a SQLite library to use, which are: 1. An amalgamation file that the user explicitly put in the distro directory (or that was similarly slipstreamed into a copy of the distro maybe by some OS package manager); 2. A SQLite system shared library that was installed either as part of the OS or later by a user; 3. Go and automatically fetch a copy of the latest amalgamation file from sqlite.org, similarly to how Rakudo Perl 6 can go fetch a copy of its Parrot dependency from the 'net.

Now assuming that, changeable config options aside, there is an automatic default order that these alternate sources will be used by a hands-free CPAN/CPANPLUS/etc install, I ask you what options should be used and in what order? Now I think we probably can all agree that if choice #1 is satisfied (the user explicitly put a file to use in the distro dir or a packager did), then it is clear-cut to try to use that or die trying. What is less clear cut is whether the next automatic default action should be to use an already installed SQLite shared library or whether to download the latest from sqlite.org.

Already installed.

I'm thinking that between #2 and #3, that #3 (get the latest) should always be the default choice, and that users have to explicitly override, such as by setting an environment variable, or whatever already happens with DBD::SQLite, to use the system one instead.

It's far more error prone, and sysadmins like to control what's on their systems, not have CPAN modules download and compile and install stuff behind their backs. If I've installed SQLite on my system, I expect DBD::SQLite to use it, not to install another one (and possibly override what I've already installed, which may have other apps depending on it).

So in fact the real question then is whether I should stay with the precedent existing with the current DBD::SQLite, which effectively is download from sqlite.org by default, or whether I should change this default.

It should be in this order:

1. Amalgamation file put in the directory
2. System installed SQLite
3. SQLite distributed with DBD::SQLite.

I think that the downloading business is a bad idea.

Any thoughts on that matter, or on anything else I raised?

Yes. :-)

And while I suppose this is technically a fork, I'll still be just using the name DBD::SQLite so my versions are picked up automatically by users of the previous.

Now as for version numbering, I decided already to not use 4-part versions like eg, but rather just use 3.x.y_NNN format for my releases, with the X and Y values following my own preferred pattern of Y for feature changes and Z for bug fixes, but that since prior releases are already production status, I'll also use the _N suffix convention for my initial or experimental releases and just release without _N when testers report no show-stoppers, similar to how the likes of DBD::Pg or Moose etc are released now.

So I'm wondering what would be the least contrived looking numbering scheme in light of starting with _N, eg; would 3.0.0_001 be the best for dev release start and then either 3.1.0 or 3.0.1 (depending on whether features change from the _N) be the first non-dev release, or should I start the dev releases in perhaps a more contrived 2.y or 1.y space?

What's wrong with the current version numbering scheme?

Now I recall that someone had previously proposed making the SQLite library an external dependency when my initial proposal didn't. If they or anyone else wants to speak up with specific advice or patches etc I'd appreciate it.

Also my DBD::SQLite will be in a public Git repository, either on utsl.gen.nz or github or both, so I can receive patches by pulling from someone's fork. Its not up yet though.

Thank you in advance for any feedback.

You *really* need to get Matt to signoff on this, IMHO.



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