I noticed DBI was upgraded in subversion to the latest ppport.h (in
dbipport.h) and the recommendations that ppport.h has made.

dbipport.h seems to be ppport.h from Devel::PPPort.

The DBI::DBD docs say to copy dbivport.h from the latest DBI
distribution to your DBD distribution - which I have done again - I am
happy with this and understand it.

I have implemented the recommendations that "perl ppport.h dbdimp.c" has
made in DBD::ODBC.

However, "perl ppport.h dbdimp.c" for DBD::ODBC suggests adding ppport.h
to DBD::ODBC's dbdimp.c and including it in the DBD::ODBC distribution.
I cannot do that since I'll get dbipport.h and ppport.h and
redeclarations of macros.

I may be missing something but I don't understand why DBI includes
ppport.h as dbipport.h since it stops me including a newer version of
pport.h. I expected the way this would work is that when building DBI,
you'd get DBI's copy of ppport.h but when building a DBD::* you'd get
DBD::*'s copy of ppport.h.

What to do?


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