On 06/08/10 11:49, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 11:10:44AM +0000, Jens Rehsack wrote:
Hi Tim,

during the update of DBD::AnyData I hit some nice methods, which
Jeff has added to it, e.g. ad_get_catalog, ad_mod_catalog and

These methods modify the meta data of the tables managed by DBD::AnyData
(DBD::AD) which will be done by DBD::File in future releases. So I talked
with Merijn to move the methods into DBD::File to have them common for
- DBD::AnyData

But now it comes ... typically driver private methods require a prefix.
This prefix depends on the driver name (so ad_* for DBD::AD methods, csv_*
for DBD::CSV methods etc.) - and it would be good for DBD::* users when
we keep/support this behaviour.
 From  this  it  follows  that it's not done by moving the methods with some
refactoring to DBD::File and install them by their name in DBD::File - there
should be a better way.

Any suggestions?

I'm not really sure I understand the question/proposal/issues.

Done by commits 14095 & 14096 :)
It's sometimes difficult to express my confused mind using (written)
words :)


p.s. The driver private methods only really require a prefix if you want
to install them into the DBI dispatcher via install_method().

I wanted exactly that ...


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