On 25/10/2010 18:04, John Scoles wrote:
On 10/25/2010 10:33 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 07:28:31AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:
Tim Bunce wrote:

Looks like DBD::Oracle as PERL_POLLUTE as well.

Lucy!!! You have some renaming to do!!!

A project of 1.26 perhaps
As 5.13.x comes closer to being 5.14 this issue is becoming more urgent.

John, I've asked s...@perl.org to give commit access for the dbd-orcle
repro to Martin so he can work on this for you. I'd appreciate it if you
could work on a release as soon as he's done. Thanks!

Actully I have done all the work on it it is just testing I have to go at now. Which should take place in a day or so
I created a new branch


for it. It would be best if he uses that branch to start with.

Looks like you have it under control so that is fine by me.

There are a few missed "na"s, "dowarn", "dirty" etc in that branch in dbdimp.c and oci8.c.
Perhaps others, I did not check that carefully.

I have have a new release ready within a few days

What is the drop dead date for this.

John Scoles
Michael, will you be able to make a fixed release of DBD::Sybase soonish?

The work required is pretty trivial. It's mostly just adding a "PL_"
prefix to instances of the sv_undef, sv_yes, and sv_no variables.

For both of you I suggest testing with an actual recent build of 5.13.x
(rather than fiddle around with the special 1.613_71 DBI build).


Short version:

Please download build test *and install* DBI 1.613_71, then download build and test any compiled drivers you use to check they work with DBI 1.613_71.

Let us know about any failures *and* successes.

Also grep the source code of the driver to see if it defines
PERL_POLUTE. If it does, let us know.

Long version:

Perl 5.13.3+ removes support for PERL_POLUTE. PERL_POLUTE enables use of old-style variables names, without the PL_ prefix (e.g. sv_undef instead
of PL_sv_undef).

The DBI has, for many years, enabled PERL_POLUTE mode in DBIXS.h, so
it's likely that compiled drivers are use some old-style variables names.
These drivers won't work with Perl 5.13.3+.

To aid testing for this, the DBI 1.613_71 doesn't enabled PERL_POLUTE mode.

So please test compiled drivers against DBI 1.613_71.



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