Okay, this is a big blue sky idea, but like all things open-source, it comes
out of a need.  I'm trying to merge together Excel (or CSV), Oracle, Fusion
Tables, JSON, and SNMP for various data points and outputs.  DBIC seems to
work great for a large database with a bunch of tables, but what about a
bunch of databases?  I've searched and searched, and nobody seemed to have
designed a DBD for multiple DBDs.  There's DBD::Multi and Multiplex, but
that's merely for replication.  This would require reparsing of SQL

So, let's call this module idea DBD::IntegrateDB or MultiDB.  It would be a
module built from SQL::Statement (using the typical Embed instructions), so
it would use that module's SQL Engine for parsing and processing SQL.

We'll use a simple example of two databases: one Oracle, and one MySQL.
This module loads both of them in with a DBI->connect string.  Then the dev
runs a prepare on the following SQL:

   book, title, b.person, age, dob
   ora.books b
   INNER JOIN mysql.people p ON (
      b.person_id = p.person_id

So, "ora.books" is on the Oracle DB, and "mysql.people" is on the MySQL DB.
The parser for this MultiDB would:

   1. Use SQL::Parser to break down the SQL statement.
   2. Figure out who owns what, in terms of tables and columns.  (Complain
   about ambiguous columns if it has to.)
   3. Use table_info calls to the separate DBI interfaces, including number
   of rows, cardinality (if available), etc.
   4. Store the joining information.
   5. Prepare two *separate* SQL statements for each DB.  It would no longer
   be JOIN queries, but standard queries for the tables (including person_id,
   which wasn't included in the original SELECT statement).

Then when the statement is executed:

   1. The two SQL statements are executed for each DB.
   2. The fetch_row sub would process each row one at a time for each DB.
   3. If two IDs match, send a row back.  Otherwise, cache the data and wait
   for something to match.
   4. Repeat until the rows are exhausted on one or both sides.  (One side
   for INNER, both sides for OUTER.)

Does anything like that exists?  I'm not saying it's an easy operation, but
if something like that can just start off with a simple JOINs at first, it
would be a miracle module.  Imagine linking with more abstract DBI modules:
Oracle to CSV to MySQL to Teradata to Sys to Sponge.  Tell me you're not
excited at the prospect of eventually creating free open-source competitive
frameworks to multi-million dollar "Business Intelligence" software.  Heck,
DBIC is getting there, but the data mining and integration piece is missing.

Brendan Byrd/SineSwiper <sineswi...@gmail.com>
Computer tech, PERL wizard, and all-around Internet guru

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