On 15/03/12 21:18, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:33:43AM +0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:

Argh, DBD::Oracle tracing is a mess wrt to this discussion:


#define DBD_OCI_TRACEON (DBIS->debug>= 6 || dbd_verbose>=6)

#define OCIServerRelease_log_stat(sc,errhp,b,bl,ht,ver,stat)\
        stat =OCIServerRelease(sc,errhp,b,bl,ht,ver);\
        (DBD_OCI_TRACEON) \
                        ? PerlIO_printf(DBD_OCI_TRACEFP,\
                                 OciTp, sc,oci_status_name(stat)),stat \
        : stat

Every single OCI call uses DBD_OCI_TRACEON which in turn uses
DBIS->debug and non have a imp_xxx handle so this is a very large
change. Ensuring the code at each point an OCI call is made has an
imp_xxh and getting the right one is going to be an awful job
especially when a load of funcs in oci8.c don't even have a handle. I
don't see an easy way to automate this change so I'm not sure I've got
the stomach for this. If I do this will I really "see" some speed up
as it is a lot of work.

Maybe just do the OCI* function calls that are used in the main fetch
code path, i.e., dbd_st_fetch. Add an imp parameter

-#define OCIServerRelease_log_stat(sc,errhp,b,bl,ht,ver,stat)
+#define OCIServerRelease_log_stat(imp,sc,errhp,b,bl,ht,ver,stat)

        stat =OCIServerRelease(sc,errhp,b,bl,ht,ver);\
!       (DBIc_TRACE(imp,...)) \
!                       ? PerlIO_printf(DBIc_LOGPIO(imp),\
                                 OciTp, sc,oci_status_name(stat)),stat \
        : stat


Last night I finished changing DBD::Oracle to eradicate all DBIS usage. I ran 
into quite a few problems along the way but all DBIS usage is gone except for a 
few calls in functions passed to Oracle. I've not moved to DBIc_TRACE yet but 
when I get time I will do that and add the new DBD trace flag as well 
(hopefully to replace ora_verbose which seems pointless to me simply adding yet 
another test when no-one really uses it other than as on/off).

As a side note there is a phenomenal amount of tracing in DBD::Oracle which it 
would be nice to noop the whole lot out for people who don't want the code 
continually testing whether tracing is on - me.

A quick benchmark:

use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark;

my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=xxx.easysoft.local;sid=test",
                     "xxx", "xxx", {RaiseError => 1});
if (@ARGV) {
    eval {
        $h->do(q/drop table dbis/);

timethese(10, {
    'read' => sub {readit($h)},
    'readperrow' => sub {readitperrow($h)}});


sub setup {
    $h->do(q/create table dbis (a int, b varchar(100))/);
    my $s = $h->prepare(q/insert into dbis values(?,?)/);
    foreach (1..1000000) {
        $s->execute($_, "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
    print "Table populated\n";

sub readit {
    my $h = shift;
    my $s = $h->prepare(q/select * from dbis/);
    my $d = $s->fetchall_arrayref;
    print "Read ", scalar(@$d), " rows\n";
sub readitperrow {
    my $h = shift;
    my $s = $h->prepare(q/select * from dbis/);
    my $rows = 0;
    while(my $d = $s->fetchrow_arrayref) {
    print "Read $rows rows\n";

perl 5.14.2

Perl without threads:
  read: 83 wallclock secs (37.55 usr +  5.77 sys = 43.32 CPU) @  0.23/s (n=10)
  readperrow 85 wallclock secs (39.53 usr +  4.98 sys = 44.51 CPU) @  0.22/s 

 subversion trunk:
  read: 85 wallclock secs (40.23 usr +  6.22 sys = 46.45 CPU) @  0.22/s (n=10)
  readperrow: 85 wallclock secs (40.06 usr +  5.32 sys = 45.38 CPU) @  0.22/s 

Perl with threads:
  read: 128 wallclock secs (86.11 usr +  5.41 sys = 91.52 CPU) @  0.11/s (n=10)
  readperrow: 137 wallclock secs (95.33 usr +  4.86 sys = 100.19 CPU) @  0.10/s 

subversion trunk:
  read: 94 wallclock secs (52.55 usr +  5.68 sys = 58.23 CPU) @  0.17/s (n=10)
  readperrow: 104 wallclock secs (62.74 usr +  5.06 sys = 67.80 CPU) @  0.15/s 

which only goes to remind me why I don't use a Perl with threads but if you do, 
DBD::Oracle should be a fair bit faster now.

BTW, this change is literally thousands of lines of code so if you depend on 
DBD::Oracle I'd get a copy of the subversion trunk and try it.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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