
In your control panel is an applet named ODBC Data sources. YOu need to
configure a DSN there (the machine on which your PERL application will run)
and point it to the access database that you want to access in your program.
The name you give to this DSN in the first page of your configuration of
this DSN is the DBI_DSN you are talking about that goes in the place of
YOUR_DSN_HERE in your code sample. The configuration of the DSN will differ
a little bit depending on which MDAC version you are using, but all of them
are pretty simple to configure.

Hope this helps.

Steve Howard

-----Original Message-----
From: Vasquez, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: DBD::OBDC

I want to be able to access an Access db that resides on another machine.
Can I access this small database using DBD::OBDC.  If so, how and where do I
set up the following:

         DBI_DSN The dbi data source, e.g. 'dbi:ODBC:YOUR_DSN_HERE' DBI_USER


The DBI_USER and DBI_PASS I understand.  I'm not sure about the DBI_DSN.
How would one set this variable?

Mike (a newbie)

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