
My guess is that you installed DBD::Oracle with your environment pointing to

When you install DBD::Oracle, it is linked with the Oracle client
libraries. If you run a program linked in an 8.1.7 environment, but (because
of your environment variables) it picks up the dynamic libraries of an older
version, you're asking for trouble. You should provide your DBD::Oracle with
the client libraries it was linked with at install time.

So, if you have a mixed version environment, the best way to go is :

   * Install DBD::Oracle against the highest version
   * Always keep your environment variables (ORACLE_HOME, PATH and
     LD_LIBRARY_PATH) pointing to this same environment.

If you need to connect to other versions, use SQL*Net.

Hope this helps,




> I have a program that sets the Oracle environment for 8.1.7 and connects to
> the database just fine.  If I resent the environment to 8.0.5 and try to
> connect to an 8.0.5 database, it fails with a OCIEnvInit error.  If I leave
> the environment at 8.1.7 and connect to the 8.0.5 database, it succeeds.
> If I run from cron with no environment set, it works fine.
> I am obviously missing something basic about the Oracle environment the dbd
> needs to run.  Should an environment never  be set or should it always be
> set to 8i?
> Thanks
> Susan
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Mark Vandenbroeck                      Mobile : +32-495-59.55.62
Business Process Manager               Email  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EMEA Support Information Systems       AIM    : markvdb

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