In article 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ilya Sterin) wrote:

> Well post the script and we can look.  Please eliminate the parts that are
> not relevant if you script is big.

it's about 255 lines of code incuding comments.. I'll remove the 
comments from the file to shorten it a bit. The linewrapping will suck 
but I'll try and clean it up a bit.

it's *considerably* streamlined from my first hackish attempts at 
writing cgi scripts and from working with the original CSV/Tab-delimited 
tables using DBD::CSV and more recently DBD::AnyData. I'm damned proud 
of how far I've come in the year since I started working with Perl, and 
situations like this just <gross understatement>annoy me</gross 

Your help will be most greatly appreciated. 

I'm starting to wonder how much of a threat to Perl the PHP crowd really 
is, and how much of a resource hog mod_perl is compared with the 
embedded PHP in Apache, and why, if PHP is based on Perl, there could be 
such a huge disparity in performance.

> These benchmarks are a bunch of crap.  There are 900 times more bytes
> transfered.  The files look way to much different in sizes.  So we are yet
> to see an exact comparison:-)

definitely. I *KNOW* how hard I've worked on streamlining this code, and 
I'll be damned if someone can hack together a php script that does 
things in half the time, and with fewer memory resources used, much less 
what that so-called-benchmark shows.

the code: 

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
#### search.cgi

use warnings;
use strict;

use CGI qw/:standard :html3 *table *div *form 
                -no_xhtml escapeHTML unescapeHTML/;
# do these get left out if you use CGI->compile(':all') 
# and in particular with mod_perl and Apache::DBI?

# security sanity check.
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 16; # max 16k POSTs
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS++;    # no uploads

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:';
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
    BEGIN {
       sub handle_errors {
          my $msg = join( br(), @_);
          print header, 
                start_html( "CGI/Perl Script Error" ),
                h2( "aCk!"),
                p( "I must be currently beta-testing some changes, so 
E-mail me, ", 
                   a({-href=>'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'}, 
                   ", about this if it persists for very long.",
                p( "Got an error: $msg" ), 
use DBI;

my $dbiuser  = 'nalicity';
my $dbipass  = 'password';
my $map_db   = 'maps';
my $download_url = '';
my @types = (qw/empty unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown utdm 
utassault utdomination utctf utother/);

my $newStyle = <<'EOS';
table, caption, th, td { background: #1E2B4A; font-family: "Trebuchet 
MS", "Sapir Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; }
body                   { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", "Sapir Sans", 
sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; }

my %files_list = (
    '7'    => 'UT Assault Maps',
    '9'    => 'UT Capture The Flag Maps',
    '6'    => 'UT DeathMatch Maps',
    '8'    => 'UT Domination maps',
    '10'   => 'UT Other Maps'

sub size_calc ($) 
    my $mapsize = shift;
    ($mapsize <= 1024) 
  ? return $mapsize . "k" 
  : return sprintf('%.2f', ($mapsize/1024)) . "MB"; 

sub checkrating ($$$) 
    my($rating, $reviewfile, $id) = @_;
    if ( $rating == -1 ) 
        return "N/A";
        if ($reviewfile eq "-1")
.html", -target=>"review"},
sub create_dbi_table ($) 
    my $displayselect = shift;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=nalicity;host=localhost", 
$dbiuser, $dbipass, {RaiseError => 1}) 
                   or die("Cannot connect to database - $!");

   END { $dbh->disconnect if $dbh }

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($displayselect) or die $dbh->errstr;

    my $rowcount = $sth->rows;
    unless( $rowcount )
        print Tr( td({-colspan=>3, -align=>'center', }, b("No Match 
Found") ));
        return '';

    print Tr( td({-colspan=>3, -align=>'center', }, b("Found $rowcount 
matches") ));

    my( $type, $id, $filename, $title, $size, $reviewfile, $rating, 
$rated, $oldtype );
    $sth->bind_columns(\$type, \$id, \$filename, \$title, \$size, 
\$reviewfile, \$rating);
    while ( $sth->fetch ) 
        # in english: If oldrating is empty, or different from the 
        # previous rating AND the rating is now < 0
        if ( !defined($rated) or ($rated != $rating and $rating < 0) )
            # then check to see whether we're rated or unrated and print 
            # an appropriate header for that section
            if ($rating < 0)
                print Tr( td({-colspan=>3, -align=>'center', }, b( 
u("Unrated Maps")) )),
                          th({-align=>"center"}, "Map Name"), 
                          th({-align=>"right"}, "Size"), 
                          th({-align=>"center"}, "Rating"),
                $oldtype = -1; #re-set oldtype ;)
                print Tr( td({-colspan=>3, -align=>'center', }, b( 
u("Rated Maps")) )),
                          th({-align=>"center"}, "Map Name"), 
                          th({-align=>"right"}, "Size"), 
                          th({-align=>"center"}, "Rating"),
        # okay so we have nice section headers.. 
        # how about some type section headers for the unrated section?
        if ( $rating == -1 and $type != $oldtype )
            print Tr( td({-colspan=>3, -align=>'center'}, 
$files_list{$type} ) );
        $filename= unescapeHTML($filename);
        print Tr( 
                 td({-align=>"left", -valign=>"top"}, 
-target=>"_new"}, $title ),
                 td({-align=>"right", -valign=>"top"}, 
                 td({-align=>"center", -valign=>"top",}, 
                     checkrating($rating, $reviewfile, $id),
                ), "\n"; 
        # adjust loop vars for prettyprint
        $rated = $rating;
        $oldtype = $type;
    die $sth->errstr if $sth->err; 

my $search_obj = escapeHTML( param('searchfor') ) || '';

# un-taint the search object
$search_obj =~ m/([ a-zA-Z-_\[\]\{\}0-9]+)/;
$search_obj = $1;

 if (!param() && cgi_error()) {
    print header(-status=>cgi_error());
    goto FINISH;# don't call exit 0; !!! (unless you LIKE killing your 
perl process over and over, ass-hat) :P

my $expires = (localtime(time + 30));

print header({'head'=>meta( {-http_equiv=>'Expires', -content=>$expires 
} )}), 
      start_html({-Title=>"FuzzBuster's NaliCity Quick Search!",

print start_form,
          h3("Map Search"),
          p("Enter the name of a map title or file to search for:"),
          submit(-name=>'Submit', -value=>'Submit'),
      end_form, hr;
if ( $search_obj eq '' )
# skip the database query
    print end_html;
    goto FINISH;

my $query = "SELECT Type, ID, FileName, Title, Size, ReviewFile, 
ROUND(Rating, 2) 
             FROM $map_db 
             WHERE FileName LIKE '%$search_obj%' OR Title LIKE 
             ORDER BY Rating DESC, Type, FileName";
print start_div({-align=>"center"}), 
      start_table({-border=>"0", -cellpadding=>"0", -cellspacing=>"2", 

print end_table,             


# end of code

If anyone is interested I can provide particulars on the maps table in 
the MySQL database as well.

Scott R. Godin            | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laughing Dragon Services  |    web :

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