Thomas A. Lowery wrote:

>       My work with DBD-ADO and stored procedures is very limited.  If you could
>       provide me with a few (at least one) complete example that generates this
>       error, fixing it would be much easier.  Also, I haven't a lot of time to
>       work on DBD-ADO.
My main focus is on DBD-ODBC but I found a bug that haven't been fixed 
yet. I therefore thought I might give DBD-ADO a try.
However nothing(!) seem to work for me with DBD-ADO (Using MS SQL 7.0 
MDAC 2.7 DBI 1.30 Activeperl 631):

my $dbh = newDbh();
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from sysobjects");


Results in:


OLE exception from "ADODB.Connection":

Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

Win32::OLE(0.1502) error 0x800a0cb3
    in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "OpenSchema" at E:/Perl/site/lib/DBD/ 
line 1402
OLE exception from "ADODB.Connection":

Error is repeated for each column in sysobjects

>       I do recall the bind interface (also with parameter support) is a little
>       tricky.  A quick review of the 09bind.t tests, they look like the original
>       tests I grabbed from DBD::ODBC and DBD::Oracle.
>       I know calling a sp is database dependent ... Oracle uses begin; sp_call;
>       end;  Where as PostgreSQL uses select sp_call;
The code is executed by the server. It's when the result is interpreted 
something goes wrong.


>>>Finally my questions:
>>>1. Why do I get those errors?
>       Not sure at the moment.
I've reinstalled using the new ppm package, didn't help. If I change 
from ADO to ODBC in
    $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ADO:$dsn")
my program works.

>>>2. Is DBD-ADO mature? Experiences?
>       Limited ... 
I've tested it because DBD:ODBC is not mature enough for me...

>>>3. Does DBD-ADO support input/output parameters for stored procedures? 
>       No or at least I doubt it.
>>>Multiple result sets?
>       No.
>>>4. I've noticed that DBD-ADO call sp_sproc_columns for my sp's, can 
>>>that be avoided?
>This looks like something the ADO driver is using.  There isn't any
>sp_sproc_columns in the DBD::ADO code that I know of.
It's not an important feature. You have to be very specific to avoid the 
call to sp_sproc_columns. If I use ADO command objects directly and 
specify the parameters like this (Javascript):

cmdTemp = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Command');
cmdTemp.CommandText = "dbo.my_stored_procedure";
cmdTemp.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;

adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 4));
cmdTemp.Parameters.Append(cmdTemp.CreateParameter("@Cmd", adInteger, 
adParamInput, 4, cmd));


Then ADO will know the parameters (trust my declaration) before calling 
Execute and avoid the round trip to the server (sp_sproc_columns).
Since there is no way (I assume) to specify the type of command in 
DBD-ADO it's not possible to do this in DBI.

/Roger P

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