On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 08:40:39 +0200, Victor A. Rodriguez wrote:
>Hi all,

Hi Victor

>I'm looking for database browsing modules that allow to edit and
>delete and
>modify and ... records. I just found one module in SourceForge
>DBIx::Browse (at http://dbix-browse.sourceforge.net there's a very

Consider DBIx::Recordset. I've seen a tut for it online, but all I
have as a URI is:
I've written a tut for it myself, but never published it.

It's a very clever and tricky module, with extremely
hard-to-understand docs. It stores output (from selects) into globs,
so you get scalars, arrays and hashes populated simultaneously.
Amazing! But in my limited understanding of Perl 6, such globs will
not be supported. You need to check up on things like that. Ask an

>demo). It seems pretty good, but what EXACTLY I'm looking for is a
>clone of
>MSODSC (Microsoft Office Web Component), just in case anyone knows

I don't know this tool. I suspect no-one will have written a Perl
look-a-like, but I could be wrong. After all, if you're going to
write a tool in Perl, why copy MS when you can do a good job instead?

>arise ...) and client/server, so I'm trying to move processing and
>to the server side using Perl and DBI.

Good idea.

You'll need CGI::Session, perhaps? I recommend it highly.

>- Does anyone knows of any module that works this way ??

DBIx::AdminEngine looks good, because I'm writing it, and because I'm
biased. It is not, repeat not, worth releasing yet, since it only
works in read-only mode. It is a vendor-independent replacement for
an old tool of mine: myadmin.cgi (which is MySQL-specific). See tut #
Feel free to rip off as much code from myadmin.cgi as you want.

DBIx::AdminEngine uses DBIx::SQLEngine, which you should also

And what is the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for
DBIx::AdminEngine? Don't ask. I have 4 part-time jobs just to pay the
bills, so progress is slow. The next db to be supported will be
Postgres. MySQL is already supported. I'm also writing auxiliary
documentation for DBIx::SQLEngine, for my own education, some of
which the author of DBIx::SQLEngine is incorporating into his own

You're welcome to a copy of DBIx::AdminEngine such as it is, but I'll
be doing all the coding myself. The main program uses CGI::Explorer
(another module of mine), but of course you don't have to use that

If there's any interest, I'll put it up on my web site in a day or

Of course, there could well be many other such modules floating
about. Your post is a good way of fishing for them.

>- Anyone interested in start a new project or modify an existing one
>(just in case there's no Perl replacement for MSODSC).
>Sorry for the long post, and thanks for your time and patience.

Better long than too short. You should always spell out details for
us to better grasp what you're doing.
Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/03/2003

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