A while back in February, Tim and Ron were discussing DBD::mysql and

This is the only thing I could find that *may* relate to my question, so I'm
asking here for further clarification.

It's not clear in the docs (at least not to me) whether I can have
column_info return the possible values of a SET or ENUM column, without
hard-coding them into my scripts.

In other words I'd like my script to be able to tell when the values of the
SET column have changed for the purposes of building an input form via
CGI.pm to allow multiple selects from the input form, and to correctly
display the current selection of SET items. 

Before I hare off and write a bunch of testing scripts, I'd just like to
know if I'm on the right track. Will I be able to obtain this information,
and is column_info the right way to do it? 

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