You _do_ need to include the user name and password in the DBI connect
statement, but the way to make it more secure is to not hardcode those
in your scripts - create a Perl module in which you place variables that
_do_ contain the hardcoded values, but place that perl module in a
secure place on your filesystem that is not accessible by regular users.
 Then "use" that module in your script so that you have access to the
variables in the module that contain the actual values of the user name
and password.

At a command prompt do

    perldoc perl

to get started.  Note that there are several perldoc's that refer to
perl modules - the one you probably want to start with is perlmod, which
you can view by doing

   perldoc perlmod

at a command prompt.


Hardy Merrill

>>> "News Reader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/10/04 01:35PM >>>
Hi there,

I figured this would be a pretty common problem, but I didn't see
anything in the FAQ or docs.

We've got a script that uses DBI to connect to SQL Server.

There is a system DSN set up and this already has the username and
password. So do we really need to pass them again, as shown below?

my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsn","$db_user_name","$db_password");

We tried the following (removing the username/password parameters),
but we got a connection error.

my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$dsn");

It would be nice (for maintenance) and obviously more secure if we
could pass only the DSN name.

 - ML

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