I don't see anything wrong with your code - is the "bunches of stuff"
section too big to include?  Also include the standard versions of OS,
Perl, DBI, which database you're using and which DBD (and version of

>>> Laurie Vien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/24/04 02:44PM >>>
I am running a very simple Perl script using DBI (skeleton of it
It does everything I expect it to, but the problem is it doesn't
until I Ctrl-C, at which time I get the message "Terminating on signal
SIGINT(2)".  What have I left out or done in the wrong order that
causes it
not to terminate?:

use DBI;
use Date::Manip;

$dbh = DBI->connect($DB_CONN, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS) || die "Can't
open(STDOUT, ">>myfile.txt") or die "\nCould not open STDOUT: $!";

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable");  

# < Do bunches of stuff here ....>



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