A bit OT here, but I'm curious - does mysqlhotcopy allow you to do a
backup without shutting down MySQL?


I know this is over-simplifying, but couldn't automating MySQL backups
with mysqlhotcopy be as simple as adding a MySQL user with read(?) privs
to the database(s) to be backed up, and then putting a "mysqlhotcopy"
command with all the necessary options into a cron job or windows


>>> Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/07/04 01:30PM >>>
I believe mysql also ships with mysqlhotcopy (which I wrote)
you may find it useful.


On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 10:05:42AM -0400, Hardy Merrill wrote:
> I quick search on google for "automate mysql backup perl dbi"
> revealed this as one of the 1st 5 links:
>      http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u2pj/SQL_Perl.htm 
> Check out "RW MySQL Dump" - looks to me like it might be just what
> you're looking for.  Or if you still want to do it yourself, just
> reading its description might put you on the right track.
> You'll get more help here if you actually try to help yourself first
> at least make an effort to find some information *before* you ask
> help.
> Hardy Merrill
> >>> "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/07/04 09:52AM >>>
> I want to automate a mysql backup
> Can this be done via perl and how?

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