So what did the problem turn out to be?

>>> Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/20/04 11:23PM >>>
Robert wrote:
> My select looks like this:
>         SELECT surname, first_name, msf810.email_address,
>         FROM msf810, msf020, MSF829
>         WHERE msf810.employee_id = msf020.employee_id
>         AND msf810.employee_id = msf829.employee_id
>         AND msf020.dstrct_code = 'ATTU' AND physical_loc = '05'
>         AND global_profile != 'JRADMIN'
> My bind_columns looks like this:
> $sth->bind_columns( \$last, \$first, \$email, \$userid );
> I then do a loop over the contents but I am only getting the $last
> $first to print and not the other columns that are bound.
> I am using Perl 5.8.4 from ActiveState on Windows using Oracle 9i as
> database.
> Robert
Ah, never mind. I got it.


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