My comments are below designated by [hm]...

Hardy Merrill

>>> "Reidy, Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/16/04 05:43PM >>>
See below ...

Ron Reidy
Lead DBA
Array BioPharma, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Follett, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: Newbie request

 I am a total perl newbie and was wondering if someone could take a
at my code to determine if I am doing this the most efficient way.  It
works as it should, but I am sure an expert out there may have some
constructive comments to help me make it better.
For a little background: I am pulling some ids from a MySQL table into
an array, then connecting to Oracle and pulling lab information based
the id's in the array.  The lab info will then be loaded back into
Thanks in advance for any time you have to look at this.

[hm] I'm assuming your "connect" is *before* this code where you do
"prepare" and "execute" :)
$sql = "SELECT mbr_no, mrn, make8mrn FROM make8mrn";
 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

 while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
  push @hold_mrns, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 #Connect to Oracle db
  my $OraDBH = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:ourdb",$user,$pwd ,
=> 1});

[ron reidy] You need to set 'AutoCommit => 0' (a good practice, even if
not needed here).

[hm] I'm not sure I agree with Ron here.  Ron is sure the expert here
(I am no database expert), but in my limited database experience I'm not
sure I agree that AutoCommit => 0 is always good practice.  AutoCommit
=> 0 is useful for transaction processing that usually involves one or
more steps including  INSERT's and/or UPDATE's, but this app is strictly
SELECT'ing info.  IMHO, AutoCommit should always be specified, but "good
practice" is knowing *when* to use AutoCommit => 0 and when to use
AutoCommit => 1.

Robert, read up on AutoCommit in the DBI perldocs by doing

    perldoc DBI

at a command prompt.  If you're on *nix, search for "AutoCommit" using
the forward slash(/AutoCommit).  If you plan to do more database coding
with Perl and DBI, I would also highly recommend the book "Programming
the Perl DBI" by Tim Bunce and Alligator Descartes.
 #Build date parms
 (my $yyyy, my $mm, my $dd) = Today();

[hm] This can be done like:
    my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = Today();

 my $sql_to_date = "to_date('" . sprintf("%02d", $mm ) .
$dd) . "$yyyy','MM/DD/YYYY')";
 ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = Add_Delta_YMD(Today(), 0, -6, 0); 
 my $sql_from_date = "to_date('" . sprintf("%02d", $mm ) .
sprintf("%02d", $dd) . "$yyyy','MM/DD/YYYY')"; 

[ ron reidy]  Go read up about the SYSDATE pseudo column in the Oracle
docs.  The above section of code is not necessary.

[hm] Ron is right, SYSDATE should take care of this - no need for any
of this extra date code in Perl.  I don't know if you can just do this:


since date columns include time, so you might have to play around with
TO_CHAR so that you are only comparing the YYYYMMDD of each, something
like this:

That's about all I see.


Hardy Merrill

              TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD')
     "WHERE (MRN = ? AND COLLECTION_DATE >= $sql_from_date AND
COLLECTION_DATE <= $sql_to_date " .
     "AND (TEST = 'HgbA1C' OR TEST = 'Chol'))";
    $sth = $OraDBH->prepare_cached($sql);
 #Get lab info from Oracle
 for my $aref ( @hold_mrns ) {
        get_labs($OraDBH, $sth, @$aref[2]);

sub get_labs {
 my ($dbh, $sth, $mrn) = @_;
 my @hold_labs;
 while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
  push @hold_labs, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 for my $aref ( @hold_labs ) {
   #Load this into mySQL

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