On 12/23/2004 07:55 PM, Tony McCray said:

Thanks Dave, you helped a lot actually. It turns out that I have a
file in /lib called libnss_files.so.2. I made a copy of the file and
got rid of the '.2' extension. I had to do the same thing with
libnss_dns.so. I haven't tested it yet, but make, make test, and make
install all seemed to work fine.

As Lincoln mentioned, you should create a soft link instead of a copy. With a copy, if the .2 file is updated without replacing the copy, you'll have two different versions which can cause a very hard to track down problem.

Run the command below to create the link:

  ln -s /lib/libnns_files.so.2 /lib/libnns_files.so

Mac :})
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