This thread is getting a bit OT, but...

>>> David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/10/05 12:36PM >>>
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 12:28:44PM -0500,

Passing arguments explicitly by reference is only useful is you want
pass an array or hash as a single entity.

HM>> I respectfully disagree :)   It was already pointed out in this
thread that the argument list gets flattened out, so hashes and arrays
lose their identity when passed as any argument other than the first,
since the receiving hash and array arguments in the subroutine can't
know how many items belong to them and will swallow up the rest of the
arguments.  So IMHO the simple rule of thumb is to pass each and every
argument as a scalar:

  * pass a scalar as itself  (by value)
  * pass a reference to an array (which is a scalar) instead of the
array itself
  * pass a reference to a hash (which is a scalar) instead of the hash

this way each argument is a scalar and there are no hashes or arrays in
the argument list to get flattened out.

This is now probably as clear as mud ;-)

Hardy Merrill

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