By saying "...of course the app bombs" isn't very descriptive.  You need
to be a
little more clear about just what the problem is and what is happening.
 Are you saying
that the value $::lang_code is not being written to the database?  Copy
and paste
in the exact error that comes up - this will help debug.

Javier, I might be way off here, but looks to me like this statement:

   my($sql) = "UPDATE GLOBALSettings SET Lang = '$::lang_code'";

has $::lang_code in *single quotes* - I'm not sure about this in this
context, but won't the single quotes will keep $::lang_code from being
interpolated?  Why not make that

  my($sql) = 'UPDATE GLOBALSettings SET Lang = ?';

and then add the $::lang_code as a parameter in the execute, like

     if ($criteria) {
          my $rc = $sth->execute ( $::lang_code, $criteria ) or
                              &Error("Unable to execute statement",
"$sql with criteria $criteria");
     } else {
        my $rc = $sth->execute ($::lang_code) or
                              &Error("Unable to execute statement",


Hardy Merrill

>>> "Moreno, Javier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/10/05 10:10 AM >>>
Hi all,

I have a script that writes a single record to a single row on a
GLOBALSettings table. I have a web page that does that and it does so
successfully. I go into the database with SQL Server Enterprise Manager
and see the value on the table. Then I use another page that takes
advantage of that value, it selects with no criteria the needed field
and the value gets wiped out from the DB and of course the app bombs. I
tried using a dbh->commit at the end of the update script but that
didn't work either. Does anyone know what is wrong? Sample code below:


# Insert into DB
my($sql) = "UPDATE GLOBALSettings SET Lang = '$::lang_code'";
my($criteria_var) = "";
my($criteria) = "";
my($reference) = &SQL_Update($sql, $criteria_var, $criteria);

# Disconnect from database
$::rc = $::dbh->disconnect or
        &Error("Unable to disconnect from database.");

sub SQL_Update {

        my ($sql, $criteria_field, $criteria) = @_;

        # Append criteria if present
        if ($criteria_field && $criteria) {
                $sql.= " WHERE $criteria_field = ?";

        # Debug the SQL statement (uncomment for testing)

        # Prepare a SQL statement
        my $sth = $::dbh->prepare( $sql ) or
                &Error("Unable to prepare statement.");

        # Execute the SQL statement prepared above, use with or without
criteria depending on if it is present
        # or not
        if ($criteria) {
                my $rc = $sth->execute ( $criteria ) or
                        &Error("Unable to execute statement", "$sql with
criteria $criteria");
        } else {
                my $rc = $sth->execute or
                        &Error("Unable to execute statement", $sql);

        # Return a TRUE value just so that the variable which gets
assigned to the query execution on the caller
        # program does not report an empty value. If we got this far
then all went OK

# Select current language
my ($sql)= "SELECT Lang FROM GLOBALSettings";
my ($reference) = &SQL_Select($sql);
my ($lang) = @[EMAIL PROTECTED];

sub SQL_Select {

        my ($sql, $criteria_field, $criteria, $add_criteria) = @_;

        # Debug the SQL statement (uncomment for testing)
        # Append criteria if present
        if ($criteria_field && $criteria) {
                $sql.= " WHERE $criteria_field = ?";

        # Any AND, OR or additional clauses
        if ($add_criteria) {
                $sql.= " $add_criteria";

        # Prepare a SQL statement
        my $sth = $::dbh->prepare( $sql ) or
                &Error("Unable to prepare statement.");

        # Execute the SQL statement prepared above, use with or without
criteria depending on if it is present
        # or not
        if ($criteria) {
                my $rc = $sth->execute ( $criteria ) or
                        &Error("Unable to execute statement", "$sql with
criteria $criteria");
        } else {
                my $rc = $sth->execute or
                        &Error("Unable to execute statement", $sql);

        # Return an array reference pointing to the results
        return my $result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;


Javier Moreno

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