If you plan to do a project with Perl / DBI / MySQL, then I'd suggest
you buy the "Programming the Perl DBI" book written by Tim Bunce
and Alligator Descartes - it's an O'Reilly book.  I think you'll find
all your DBI/DBD::MySQL questions will be answered by that book.

And if you don't have yourself a good book on MySQL yet, I'd
recommend getting one.  Personally I like "MySQL" - 2nd Edition
by Paul Dubois.  I have the 1st edition and think that is an excellent
book.  Teaches you about all aspects of MySQL, and also gives a
primer on SQL.

For Perl I like "Learning Perl", "Programming Perl", and
"Perl Cookbook" - all O'Reilly books.


Hardy Merrill

>>> Greg Armer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/15/05 5:28 AM >>>
On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 20:55 -0800, venkatesh shapur wrote:

> I want know about the deatails of the how to use DBI connectivity in
perl language with MySQL
> database.And for the datails of the How to Insert an item into the
MySQL  using DBI interface
> in Perl language.And similarly all operations regarding
delete,update,display seperately.
> Because we want to do the project in the LAMP(Linux Apache MySQL
Perl) plz respond to us.
> As possible as early.

And how much are you going to pay us to do your work for you ?

This list is not a documentation resource, you can find more than
adequate examples and documentation at

You should find all the information you require there.

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Greg Armer
Systems Manager | Senior Developer

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