I am using dbd::mysql on activestate perl 5.8.  When I select a row in
my program,
change the row using the mysql administrator tool, and select the row
again in the
program, the results are not changed.  I can get the new data by
selecting a different
row, then selecting the changed row again, then I get the new results,
but running the
same select gives a stale result.

The result is the same regardless of if I use placeholders or not, if
I use a persistent
statement handle or make a new one, if I use a persistent connection
or call dbi->connect
for each select, and is not affected by using 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE' instead of

It appears that DBI/DBD is caching the results.  How can I disable this?

David L Nicol
"You don't know how to maintain a station wagon either!"

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