On 4/21/05, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is my hash structure:
> "Veterans Day" => {
>     date    => '20051111',
>     type    => 'US',
>     federal => 'true',
>     active  => 'true',
>  },
> Would I just use a placeholder (?) in my statement and pass it in via that?
> It will be in a loop as I have quite a few.

assuming your holidays are a HoH called %Holidays,
you'd use five placeholders and call

        execute ($HolidayName, @{$Holidays{$HolidayName}}{qw/date type
federal active/});

if you don't mind saving a wee bit of programmer time and spending
more hardware effort
you might be able to use Tie::DBI to allow something like

      $HolidayDatabase{$HolidayName} = $Holidays{$HolidayName};

provided the key names (and the boolean representations)  match.

David L Nicol
$ perl -wc -e 'use strict; the deer and antelope play ; print 1'
-e syntax OK

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