Dear DBI/DBD::mysql developers,

DBD::mysql 2.9007 and 2.9015_3 are now available via CPAN!

* DBD::mysql 2.9007 is the production release and is available as the default version using CPAN shell, or if you go to the CPAN site and look up DBD::mysql by module.
* DBD::mysql 2.9015_3 is a beta release, which includes server-side prepared statement and MySQL Embedded Server support, and is available on CPAN at -2.9015_3.tar.gz

The latest changes are:


 * Fix to for old API call for numfields that caused
    warnings on 40numrows and akmisc tests
 * Fix to warning - t/40listfields to check logic properly
 * Fix to bind_ph to throw an error if trying to bind a non-numeric
    value as numeric
 * Better fix for dealing with error condition in $sth->rows()


* Added patch from Stas Beckman for new DBI feature take_imp_data, needed
for DBI::Pool
* Fix to for old API call for numfields that caused
warnings on 40numrows and akmisc tests
* Fix to bind_ph to throw an error if trying to bind a non-numeric
value as numeric
* Better fix for dealing with error condition in $sth->rows()
* Fix to bind_param to throw error when trying to bind a non-numeric as

About server-side prepare statement and embedded support (nutshell descriptions):

To enable server-side prepare, one has to simply build DBD::mysql using "perl Makefile.PL --ps-protocol" and in your code, you simply turn it on by appending ";mysql_server_prepare=1" in your DSN (Data Source Name) value in connect.

For embedded "perl Makefile.PL --force-embedded", and in your code, use a DSN of '$testdsn="DBI:mysqlEmb:database=test;mysql_embedded_options=--help,-- verbose";

These of course are very brief descriptions on how to use both of these new features, but please refer to the perldoc documentation with 2.9015_3 for a more thorough description.

Please feel free to use this list to post any questions you may have, and please enjoy using DBD::mysql!

Kind regards,

Patrick Galbraith Senior Software Developer

"Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. Whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues" -- Bhagavad Gita

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