Jonathan Leffler wrote:
I've dropped perl6-language off the addressee list - this is pretty much internals of DBI or DBD::WhatNot and not Perl language per se.

On 7/12/05, Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dean Arnold wrote:

RE: LOBs and "SQL Parse Trees": having recently implemented
LOB support for a JDBC driver (and soon for a DBD), I can assure
you that SQL parse trees are unneeded to support them. For databases


Perhaps you can shed some light on how to do it for this, then.

SQL command;

INSERT INTO FOO (?, ?, ?, ?);

Column 3 is a BYTEA column in Pg and needs special peppering to work.

What sort of "peppering" ? DBI provides SQL_BLOB, and SQL_CLOB
type descriptors (as well as SQL_BLOB_LOCATOR and SQL_CLOB_LOCATOR), so
presumably DBD::Pg (or any other DBD supporting LOBs) provides the
logic to map from

$sth->bind_param(3, $somelob, SQL_CLOB);

to whatever it needs to send on the wire. No different than, e.g.,
binding an integer or decimal(15,4). If some drivers don't support that,
thats a driver conformance issue, not a requirement for a new interface

or this;


SOME_DATE_COLUMN is the database native date type. On Oracle you'll
need to convert the ? to a 'TO_DATE(?)'.

Er, why ? I haven't used DBD::Oracle lately, but assuming you
$sth->bind_param(1, '2005-07-13', SQL_DATE),
I'd assume DBD::Oracle would be smart enough to communicate that
to Oracle (either by munging the query text, or providing type codes
in the client request structure). I certainly handle that sort of
thing in DBD::Teradata, and I suspect DBD::ODBC would as well.

DBD::Informix deals with both of these correctly in a variety of ways. The DATE column is the easier - Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) is very good about converting strings to DATE values - and to most other types. Also, since Informix describes the types of the columns of the INSERT statement - and can describe the input parameters of the SELECT statement (using DESCRIBE INPUT) in the more recent versions of IDS - it can arrange the necessary conversion.

The BYTEA example - corresponding to BYTE in IDS - is trickier. The string you supply is converted into the relevant C structure - it happens to be a loc_t in Informix ESQL/C - and then passed to the database. For INSERT, this is easy because the types are described and the code in DBD::Informix can tell that it needs to treat that properly. In other places, you have to use the Informix type codes to convey the information to DBD::Informix. From 'perldoc DBD::Informix':

$upd = 'UPDATE SomeTable SET TextCol = ? WHERE Pkey = ?';
$sth = $dbh->prepare($upd);
$sth->bind_param(1, $blob_val, { ix_type => IX_TEXT });
$sth->bind_param(2, $pkey);

Internally, DBD::Informix knows that it must do the Perl string to Informix loc_t mapping when this is specified.

Yes, it is a bit of work for the driver - but, for at least some drivers, it is doable.

Have you considered updating DBD::Informix to use the SQL_BLOB/CLOB type codes ?

Dean Arnold
Presicient Corp.

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