On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 06:01:03PM +0100, Charles Jardine wrote:
> Tim Bunce wrote, on 15/08/2005 14:36:
> >On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 12:07:03PM +0100, Charles Jardine wrote:
> >
> >>Peter J. Holzer wrote, on 14/08/2005 09:23:
> >>
> >>>However, I am sure there exist tons of code which expect that perl
> >>>strings are byte arrays in the client character set. This code would
> >>>then break.
> >>>
> >>>I propose the following compromise:
> >>>
> >>>If the client character set is AL32UTF8 or UTF8, then all strings passed
> >>>to prepare or inserted into or compared to varchar2 or clob fields are
> >>>silently upgraded to utf8. All varchar2 and clob values returned by
> >>>DBD::Oracle are in utf8 representation.
> >>
> >>This what I am proposing for prepare. It already happens for values
> >>sent of returned via placeholders and to fetched values.
> >
> >Actually it's not quite what happens. There's no silent upgrading.
> Sorry. I did insufficient research before forming a plan.
> I was intending to provide silent upgrading for byte-encoded
> statements being prepared when the client side database
> charset is utf8.
> Now Tim points out that this is not how bound input values
> behave in the current implementation, I realise I have to think
> again.
> So, I won't be submitting a patch soon. When I can find time,
> I will post with the intention of starting a discussion
> about upgrading and downgrading.

Why? What I proposed requires less work and is in-keeping with
how DBD::Oracle behaves for bind values etc.

(If you want to change how DBD::Oracle behaves for bind values etc.
then you're staring into a can of worms the size of which you can
barely imagine. Trust me, I've been there along with a few brave souls
who all bare the scars.)

If the $statement is UTF8 then simply tell Oracle that it's UTF8.


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