Paul DuBois wrote:
On 5/6/06 11:54, "Patrick Galbraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear DBD::mysql users,

DBD::mysql version 3.0003 (stable, production) and 3.0003_1 (dev) have
been released!

Version 3.0003 is the production version with server-side prepare
statements turned off by default, and 3.0003_1 is the development
version with server-side prepare statements turned on by default.

The changes in 3.0003, as in the changelog, are:

* Fixed bug where if mysql_server_prepare is set and a prepare
   fails, only a warning is issued and no error text is
   available (Thanks Martin Evans!)
 * Added support for ParamValues and associated test (Martin Evans)
 * Removed declaration of int num_fields outside a block which
   was causing compilation error with some C compilers.
 * Fix to typo in Makefile.PL (Martin Evans)
 * Added mysql_stmt_reset for when mysql_stmt_execute fails
 * Added test for mysql_stmt_execute bug (Martin Evans)
 * Fixed syntax for create table ENGINE=InnoDB instead of type=innobase
 * Removed tests for old driver emulation

Note: to turn on server-side prepared statements, simply append
";mysql_server_prepare" to the connect string or via the driver handle.
Please refer to documentation for further details.

Can you append =0 or =1 to indicate explicitly that you want this turned off
or on?

I believe so. Look at one of the test scripts - I think it is prepare_noerror.t which does this.


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