I'm no database expert but I believe I can answer your question.

On 7/24/07, Daniel Kasak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Link some tables from one database server.
Link some tables from another database server.

Go to the query builder. Add tables from both database servers. Join
tables where appropriate. Execute query.

So you're saying that Access abstracts the handles to the multiple databases
in such a way that they appear to you as a single database, and you can use the
tools the way you would use on a single database on the combination of the
multiple databases.

I do not recall seeing such a tool discussed on this mailing list.  If
I were tasked
with such a situation I would unfold the various queries, possibly using one of
the perly abstractions such as Tie::DBI or DBIx::SimplePerl and using keys or
each to iterate.  At some level, Access must be doing that for you.

The closest thing a cursory CPAN search revealed was
which appears to be concerned with load-balancing against data
sources containing identical data rather than abstracting multiple data sources
in a way that the database driver takes apart the queries and sends the various
pieces to the various databases.

Without knowing for certain that nobody has done what you are looking
for already,
it sounds to me like it would be a welcome addition to the DBI tool kit.

Go for it.  I expect that the devil will be in the optimization.

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