On 28/10/2011 16:34, Charles Jardine wrote:
On 28/10/11 16:09, Lyle Brooks wrote:

I have looked at the Oracle::OCI module.  I really like the
concept, and it would undeniably be an extremely useful and
powerful tool.  However, I couldn't get it to work (by that
I mean...I couldn't get it to build).
I still use Oracle::OCI. There is a patch below which may
allow you to build it under Oracle 11.2.

As you will see, I have kept it going by botching things.
Whenever a new feature of OCI causes trouble, I add it to the
list of features to omit. I would like to do a better job, but
I simply don't have the time. All I can do is to offer this
patch on an as-seen basis, in the hope that it might inspire
some else to do a proper job of rescuing Oracle::OCI.

Aha, I thought it was you Charles who helped me last time I tried to build Oracle::OCI.

Perhaps I'll find time to give it another go.


Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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