Hello All,

I have been using DBI for some years with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle. 
When using DBI with Oracle I always set FetchHashKeyName to NAME_lc.

Over the weekend I was prototyping a new system and I wanted to use SQLite 
since I was somewhat offline. All of the hash keys were lower-case by default, 
but the protocol I was trying to adhere to was using camelCase.

So my question is (and is has possibly been responded to before):

- Would it be possible to have FetchHashKeyName preserve case? so if a database 
was using camelCase this would be preserved.

Our basis datamodel is encapsulated in views for separate 
service/application/protocol implementations, so if I would get the views to 
adhere to the protocol, I would not have to translated the hash keys (and 
maintain the translation dictionary afterwards.

I checked some FAQ without luck 
(https://www.fnal.gov/docs/products/perl/pod/site_perl/DBI/FAQ.html), which 
however seem a bit obsolete (last update 1997) and I cannot find any trace of 
the FAQ on MetaCPAN.

pauseid: JONASBN
email: jona...@cpan.org
twitter: @jonasbn
blog: https://lastmover.wordpress.com/

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