I think you've done it right, you're using "load_namespaces" in your
schema class, yeh?
What you have seen in the tutorial only applies if you use
"load_classes" which works differently to "load_namespaces".



On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Gurunandan Bhat <gb...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I am new to DBIx::Class require help understanding a few basic issues. I
> have defined an  App::Schema::Result::A class where the corresponding table,
> primary keys and columns are described in the usual way.
> I want to add custom methods to the class as a whole so I defined a
> ResultSet class: App::Schema::ResultSet::A so that both ResultSet/A and
> Result/A are under the Schema folder. However I recently came across this
> Tutorial that advises:
>>  ## Set the new resultset class, in Breadcrumbs::Schema::Path:
>>   __PACKAGE__->resultset_class('Breadcrumbs::ResultSet::Path');
>> Make sure you don't create the new ResultSet class in the
>> namespace/directory underneath the existing Schema. This will cause
>> "load_classes" in DBIx::Class::Schema to attempt to load it as if it were a
>> Result class. The result will not be good.
>  I had followed neither of the two recommendations - I did  not call
> result_class on my subclass and added the new subclass directly undeneath
> the Schema namespace. Yet everything magically seems to work!  Am I doing
> something wrong that will blow up on me later?
> Thank you for your attention
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Jason Galea
Web Developer

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