On 01/23/2018 03:59 PM, John SJ Anderson wrote:

  - The github repository has been disconnected from the shadowcat hosted one, and for 
the time being will act as the "main repo" for upcoming work

Could you please turn on issue submission (it seems to be disabled at the 

I vastly prefer to use RT for tickets, as it allows unauthenticated submission: https://twitter.com/ribasushi/status/628169595283750912

Additionally, unlike PR contents and repository itself, issues conversations are not easy to backup. I will expand later why this is a problem, but suffice to say - the project is configured as intended.

and update the repo description to indicate it’s no longer a mirror.

Reworded. Didn't want to impart this is the master-mirror ( even though it temporarily is ), and didn't think of a better wording at the time.


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