Well, there no one there  ?

I did this: I rename the folder in my perl perotable setup 
C:\spp\perl\site\lib\DBIx\Class to ...\DBIx\_Class
By the way it is version 0.082841
I copied the folder C:\strawberry\perl\site\lib\DBIx\Class to 
The older version is 0.082821

And I could make the connection as usual.

So there is something to do with DBIx::Class isn't there ?

Thanks for any clarification


From: dbix-class-boun...@lists.scsys.co.uk 
<dbix-class-boun...@lists.scsys.co.uk> On Behalf Of RAPPAZ Francois
Sent: 14 February 2019 13:21
To: dbix-class@lists.scsys.co.uk
Subject: [Dbix-class] mysql_old_password plugin

Hi there

I had perl scripts that connect happily to a mysql server for years without 
problem (and are still connecting).
I did today a second perl setup with strawberry portable perl, have installed 
all the modules. When I call the scripts and I tried to connect, I get

"DBI Connection failed: DBI 
connect('host=mysql.unifr.ch;database=dokpe_i02;','dokpe_i02_adm',...) failed: 
Authentication plugin 'mysql_old_password' cannot be loaded: The specified 
module could not be found.
at c:/spp/perl/vendor/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm line 1517. at 
c:/spp/perl/vendor/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema.pm line 1118.
        DBIx::Class::Schema::throw_exception(Dbc::Schema=HASH(0x5a57e34), "DBI 
Connection failed: DBI connect('host= ....ch;datab"...) called at 
c:/spp/perl/vendor/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage.pm line 113"

>From some searches on the web, I'm not sure this is a problem with 
>DBIx::Class, but I'm stuck anyway...

I have no admin rights on the mysql server (I didn't create the users and 
passwords myself) it is version 5.5.53 and the old_password property is set to 

Can someone gives me the steps to connect ?


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