The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                Emilio Gargiulo
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Issue ID:                   890
Category:                   Command-Line programs (dbmail-users, dbmail-util)
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   major
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             12-Apr-11 23:32 CEST
Last Modified:              12-Apr-11 23:32 CEST
Summary:                    dbmail-util -M fails if big attachements and mysql
and max_allowed_packet  = 16M or less
command dbmail-util -M fail and leave database dirty if there is one or
more messages with big attachements and mysql  max_allowed_packet  = 16M or

After the database remains dirty and in syslog this error messages:
Apr 12 11:37:57 miughe dbmail/maintenance[5765]: [0x11e0040] Error:[db]
db_exec(+319): SQLException: Duplicate entry '25135-1-0-0' for key
Apr 12 11:37:57 miughe dbmail/maintenance[5765]: [0x11e0040] Error:[db]
db_exec(+320): failed query [INSERT INTO dbmail_partlists (physmessage_id,
is_header, part_key, part_depth, part_order, part_id) VALUES
Apr 12 11:38:25 miughe dbmail/maintenance[5776]: [0x1f67040] Error:[db]
db_exec(+319): SQLException: Duplicate entry '25135-1-0-0' for key
Apr 12 11:38:25 miughe dbmail/maintenance[5776]: [0x1f67040] Error:[db]
db_exec(+320): failed query [INSERT INTO dbmail_partlists (physmessage_id,
is_header, part_key, part_depth, part_order, part_id) VALUES
Apr 12 11:45:12 miughe dbmail/imap4d[26773]: [0x779f50] Error:[clientbase]
dm_tls_error(+52): Unknown error

The workaround is:
 1) increase the max_allowed_packet = 1600M and stop & start mysql;
 2) delete from dbmail_partlists where physmessage_id=25135;
 3) dbmail-util -a -y
 4) dbmail-util -M -y


Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
12-Apr-11 23:32  Emilio GargiuloNew Issue                                    

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