Am 18.02.2014 16:06, schrieb Paul J Stevens:
> On 18-02-14 15:54, Peter Milesson wrote:
>> Found the culprit. It's gmime. Upgraded from gmime-2.4.15 to 2.6.15, and
>> the problems I have described started to make themselves known. Now I
>> have been tracking down which gmime version is the last one not causing
>> problems. After working in a make-install-test-uninstall loop, I can
>> defintely say, that gmime 2.4.32 is the last working one in the 2.4
>> series. In the 2.6 series I tried 2.6.7 through 2.6.19. Everything
>> beyond 2.6.9 causes problems.
> Good to hear. But still that doesn't really explain it, since I'm using
> 2.6.10(ubuntu) on my development box, and 2.6.19 (vanilla) on the
> Jenkins-CI server.
> Can you explain what you did when testing and verifying a specific version?

but none of them is 2.4.15

it may be a explicit version that breaks completly as 2.6.12 did
last year, AFAIK none version before and after the one shipped
with Fedora 18 was that broken

one of your analysis of a completly broken message and how it arrived
in Apple Mail was "where is the large attachment? gone? crap!" :-)

that was after a temporary downgrade to dbmail 3.0.2 and the same
dbmail-sources worked over months - the breakdown was gmime alone

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