On 2014-02-21 15:35, Paul J Stevens wrote:
On 21-02-14 15:05, Peter Milesson wrote:

On 2014-02-21 14:05, Paul J Stevens wrote:
On 21-02-14 13:41, Peter Milesson wrote:

In zipped attachment, I send the result from running the testfetch.txt
through nc, as you described above. The result when running through
3.1.10 is just plain wrong, and the result running through 3.0.2 is
correct. The ONLY difference is DBMail version. All libraries are
identical, the data set is identical, everything is compiled a few
minutes apart in the same machine. But DBMail 3.1.10 is just plain

I don't see an attachment.

I'm quite sure I attached it, but here we go again...

How am I supposed to compare here? Both files contain results for
different mailboxes...

Also, I don't understand why you're saying the 3.1.10 results are 'plain
wrong'. Looks ok to me, at least from an IMAP perspective.

If the user/mailboxes opened are indeed identical, then I want a full
debug trace of:

x login user password
x select mailbox
x logout

No *fetch* is required.

Thing is: the number of messages *and* the uidvalidity values are
completely different between the logs. This is clear proof of the fact
that *different* mailboxes are actually accessed.

I can think of only one explanation for that - assuming the dataset and
imap commands are indeed identical: usermap. You can verify this by:

SELECT * FROM dbmail_mailboxes WHERE mailbox_idnr IN (129, 174);

since those are the UIDVALIDITY values reported. See if those point to
different owner_idnr values.

If that doesn't help; send me the full trace mentioned above.

That's the problem Paul. Everything is identical in the two cases. Data is requested for one and the same mailbox and sub folder. Nothing is changed. Only the two different versions of DBMail return completely different results. BTW, identical (wrong) result set occurs also in other sub folders for 3.1.10.

I'm going to extract what you need.

Best regards,


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