Am 06.03.2014 00:24, schrieb Jorge Bastos:
> I’m setting up a separated dbmail instalation for testing, and I compiled it 
> with the default: sh configure
> –with-sieve –with-zdb=/usr
> All OK, dbmail.conf in /etc, but, if I try to create a user using 
> dbmail-users without specifying there the conf
> file is (-f), it creates a default /usr/local/etc/dbmail.conf with sqlite 
> defaults in /var/tmp/dbmail.db
> Did something changed on this? I remember that the default for dbmail.conf 
> was /etc/dbmail.conf without specifying
> it, at least with my production version that’s what happens

most likely you used --prefix=/usr/local or not explicit --prefix=/usr

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