Hi all,

Over the last week, we finally managed to get a better handle on some of
the CPU spin-locks some people have reported.

I thought I'd share the simple shell script that helped me generate the
kind of information I needed.


If you take it, make it executable, and run it when your dbmail get's
stuck a a high cpu load, it will produce simple backtraces for the
threads involved.

Since I can't be certain the fix earlier this week covered all such
scenarios, it might be useful for others.


top -H -p `pidof dbmail-imapd`

will give you a quick overview of what's going on. If it's the main
thread, the second process with command 'dbmail-imapd' will be at a high
cpu load. If it's one or more worker thread, the command will be 'pool'.

you can attach a gdb to the process involved and do a backtrace.
Interactively that would entail:

gdb -p $PID
(gdb) bt

where $PID is the process or thread-id you wish to investigate.

The script I'm referring to above simply automates this.

Paul J Stevens       pjstevns @ gmail, twitter, github, linkedin
DBmail mailing list

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