Finally remembered to search the mailing list archives. It is a bug in the version mhash I'm using that defines VERSION stomping on dbmail. The fix is to get config.h out of mhash.h. And in the case of my distro, specifically out of /usr/include/mutils/mhash.h and /usr/include/mhash.h

On 03/26/2014 02:11 PM, Lynn Dobbs wrote:
I vaguely remember solving this once many version of dbmail ago. On opensuse 13.1 (and earlier) with dbmail 3.1.13 (and earler) the command line tools report version 0.9.9 when invoked with the -V switch.

I've searched through all the header files that dbmail calls and can't find anything that might be redefining VERSION.

Anyone else?
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