Dear all,

we currently put a lot of effort into launching the DBpedia Databus and its 
services soon. However, we still like to incoprorate some more contributions 
from the DBpedia community into the process.  Thus, we are looking for 
beta-testers for our data release tool and volunteers for our mappings 

Part I - Call for beta-testers

We are currently working on a Data Release Tool for publishing datasets on the 
DBpedia Databus. We hope to start first beta tests by the end of August.

So, if you...

1) have a dataset and

2) want to contribute to a rapid launch of the Databus, we invite you to be a 
beta-tester for our Data Release Tool.

Sign<> up 
here<> and we will feed you with all the 
necessary information asap.

The only requirement: You need to have a WebID. Therefore, we designed a 
hands-on tutorial on how to set up your own WebID. Give it a Try 
<> <> and be 
part of the game.

We are looking forward to your Feedback.

Part II - Call for volunteers for the mappings extraction

Additionally, we are also looking for volunteers for our mappings extraction. 
Feel free to drop us a line via or sign up here. 

Thank you and we are really looking forward to your contribution

Kind regards


Sandra Prätor, Mag. Artium

DBpedia Association

phone: +49 341 2290 3793


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